double standard

英 [ˌdʌbl ˈstændəd] 美 [ˌdʌbl ˈstændərd]

n.  双重标准; 双重道德标准




  1. 双重标准;双重道德标准
    a rule or moral principle that is unfair because it is used in one situation, but not in another, or because it treats one group of people in a way that is different from the treatment of another


    1. N-COUNT 双重标准
      If you accuse a person or institution of applying double standards in their treatment of different groups of people, you mean that they unfairly allow more freedom of behaviour to one group than to another.
      1. Mrs Starky accused the local police of operating double standards...
      2. We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.


    1. Mrs Starky accused the local police of operating double standards
    2. We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.
    3. Casual dress is regarded as less acceptable for women than for men, leaving women to wrestle with a double standard when choosing a wardrobe.
    4. Women fall prey to the double standard imposed by men, so they "play games" because men make them.
    5. Critics accused the Obama administration of holding a double standard by being more lenient on financial institutions also receiving federal assistance.
    6. They freely acknowledge their digital double standard, saying they want their children to be surrounded by print books. to experience turning physical pages as they learn about shapes, colors and animals.
    7. Western hysteria over attacks in western countries reinforces a jihadist argument: the western double standard.
    8. When you see people abiding by a big fat double standard, step outside their duplicitous perspective by telling yourself that the craziness you feel is coming from the critic.
    9. The International Currency System based on the Double Standard Currency and the Global Financial Crisis
    10. For their own part, short-sellers complain of a double standard: why should a view that a company's shares are likely to fall be inherently less valid, and more worthy of suspicion, than a view that the shares will rise?
    11. Researches on standard addition method in ion-selective electrodes ⅲ. on errors in the double standard addition
    12. It is one of the peculiarities of the warfare between reform and the status quo that it is thoughtlessly governed by a double standard.
    13. He's got a double standard: it's all right for him to have affairs but not for her.
    14. They pointed out that no researcher would have been allowed to do this in rich countries, and that permitting it to be done in poor countries therefore amounted to applying a double standard.
    15. They claimed that this school uses a double standard to admit minorities.
    16. And the deafing silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites.
    17. Somehow I do understand that China thinks this is kind of double standard if similar companies or even military equipment would be sold to Saudi Arabia or Bahrain without second thoughts.
    18. There must not be a double standard whereby anti-nuclear proliferation is used as a pretext to limit or retard the peaceful use of nuclear energy by developing nations.
    19. On double standard theory and its reference to China in constitutional review of the Japanese constitution
    20. First, why addressed this question to women specifically? Why the double standard? Second, people are not created equal.
    21. In this the US is treating the value of its currency as if it were a pure domestic issue, leading many in China to see a double standard.
    22. This is a double standard. I'm confused.
    23. Aren't you practicing double standard?
    24. An article entitled "On Aggression in Politics: Are Women Judged by a Double Standard?"
    25. All those surveyed said they believed there was an affective double standard.
    26. The principle of a double standard addition method is strictly demonstrated. Four lemmas and two theorems are given and proved.
    27. Consistent with standard curve and double standard curve of HCl was analysed.
    28. This part mainly analyses the principle of double standard, differentiated in and outside, the standard of the intendment of being a shareholder and group consensus, and the effect of perfect trust system in the identification of the dormant contributors 'shareholder qualification.
    29. And make punitive damages in the amount of the double standard of compensation.



    1. an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another